Tuesday 23 October 2007

A word in season?

Words. Sometimes they're very useful things. Sometimes they're very powerful things. Sometimes they are best said, not written. Sometimes they won't come at all.

That's the problem with words. Without visual cues the written word can appear far sharper, un-blunted by the smile or the tone of delivery.

So, thank you, you know who you are, for a quiet word. In person, visible. I shall continue with these words, they are the sea I swim in, but I will remember a little more that I am being read close to home as well as far from it.

No offence is ever meant. I wouldn't deliberately be like that. But humour does have a sharp edge, and like any knife must be wielded with care. (Or maybe reserved for the truly anonymous blog - the one I rarely ever write in... )

All I need now are some decent, useful, observations to make!

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