Friday 29 August 2008

Moving On

In a rush of blood to the head I've decided on a blog move.

So you can now find me at Life, Faith and Role-Playing Games over with those folks at WordPress. See you there.

Thursday 28 August 2008

August's Antics

Despite my best intentions the blog has still been moribund of late - but then again, it has been the holiday season. And, once again, I've had the phenomenon of a highly broken August. In the ideal world I should just take a huge swathe off, even if it would take nearly all my annual leave at once, in practice that isn't necessarily an option.

This year I spent the first weekend of August in Leicester at my biennial RPG convention, then back for a few days in a generally shattered condition, which did not endear me to GLW, LM and LMP - especially as that was the week we were stressed-out running the holiday club. Thence 3 nights under canvas on the Isle of Wight in a rather hastily-organised family holiday (in the only slot we could find, after earlier in the year we'd said we could do without). Then a few more days work, coupled with a visit from LM's godparents, before ferrying GLW, LM and LMP to Granny and Grandpa's house while I returned before heading off for another tented adventure, Greenbelt. Swiftly followed by a trip from Cheltenham back to collect the family from the wilds of North Yorkshire and then back into harness for an unusually busy day (today) and preparation for two-thirds of this year's weddings and a regular Sunday service.

So, watch this space and I'll try to put in some more details and even some half-reasonable reflections on August's Antics - and if not here, because I' half-thinking of a change of name/blog host, then I'll let you know where....

Thursday 21 August 2008

To Greenbelt

Says it all really! Hope to see some of you there, and to report back here anon about the experience of speaking there for the first time, albeit as a panellist in the Youth Programme.

Now, how on earth did that happen?

And when I get back, I might, just might, find time to blog a little more often. (Well, we can hope!)